How it works

Welcome to a simpler, safer, more effective pharmacy.

MDBX is a new way for patients to manage their medications, be connected to their physicians between appointments, and stay on track for a happier, healthier life. How does it work?


We gather information

Once you’ve discussed MDBX and your patient has agreed to continue care, we need just a little more information:


We get the patient set up and organized

We coordinate
with you and the patient’s insurance provider to gather and organize prescriptions

We organize & schedule
the patient’s meds so they can be delivered monthly

We package & ship
on time, every month. No need to fill prescriptions ever again


They get the meds they need every month

Free Delivery
To their door, before they’re needed

Packaged and ready
in individual sachets ready to take

Automatic refills
so they never have to think about it.


They (and you) track progress using the app

Your patient tracks their progress with the companion app, and you get detailed reports on their progress. When it’s time for their next consult, you’ll have all the info you need to assess or adjust their care plan.

I don't really like making my condition my wife's problem, so I like that it reminds me instead of her needing to!
– KD, Abu Dhabi

It's time to get empowered

Prefer to sign up over the phone? Talk to a Medbox specialist now.

058 543 MDBX(6329)